
How to Stop Someone From Having a Panic Attack?


How to Stop Someone From Having a Panic Attack?

The panic attack could be sudden and severe. Understanding what actions to take when they occur can help reduce their severity or prevent them from h

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The panic attack could be sudden and severe. Understanding what actions to take when they occur can help reduce their severity or prevent them from happening.

According to one report, the frequency of panic attacks is relatively high that about 13% percent of the population will suffer one at some point in their lives.

There is no way to know when a fearful attack is likely to occur. However, making a list of what you’ll do if they do happen can make a person feel more at ease and make panic attacks less challenging to manage.

This article will explore methods to prevent an anxiety attack and general strategies for reducing anxiety. It will also explore ways to assist when another person is suffering from an anxiety attack.

What Causes Panic Attack?

Although the exact cause is not understood, what they are aware of is the fact that anxiety disorder is often be found within families. 

According to the Doctor, it is also found in people who suffer from an anxiety disorder in other ways.

For example, someone who suffers from OCD might have a panic attack if their routine or compulsions are disrupted. People who suffer from particular phobias can also be vulnerable to panic attacks. 

One suffering from extreme anxiety about the heights (acrophobia) may experience anxiety attacks in a penthouse.

For those suffering from an anxiety-related disorder called generalized (GAD), a condition marked by extreme anxiety or fear, constant anxiety can lead to the level of panic attacks. 

People suffering from the condition of post-traumatic stress (PTSD) are more likely to suffer from PTSD. Prevalence of panic disorder over the rest of us. Stress or illness can make it more likely for panic attacks.

Hyperthyroid patients (Graves’ disease) and mitral valve prolapse, as well as other diseases or conditions, could be more susceptible to triggers.

How to Help Someone During a Panic Attack?

Because of the severe nature of symptoms, it’s essential to know what to do in the event of a fear attack because they could feel like they’re in a state of death during the time.

Specific methods and strategies can reduce anxiety or anxiety, help ease the situation, and prevent the symptoms from becoming worse. The ways that a person can assist include:

Remaining Peaceful:

Panic attacks can be unpredictable and occur for a variety of reasons. When it comes to those who experience anxiety attacks, some only experience a few attacks throughout their lives but others are prone to recurring attacks.

A 2016 study by the Trusted Source indicates that most people who suffer from one panic attack are likely to experience more.

Since panic attacks can strike without warning and warning, they can be highly frightening.

 Everyone else must remain at peace. An unprepared response could create a worse situation.

A panic attack’s symptoms generally peak within 10 minutes, according to trusted sources. It is therefore crucial that individuals act fast to alleviate symptoms as soon as they are able.

Conversation with Positive Words and Affirmations:

What someone says when confronted by someone suffering from an attack of panic is equally essential to what they are doing.

  • Engaging in conversation may help distract the person from the symptoms and aid the person manage their breathing. It is crucial to inquire whether the person needs assistance rather than thinking that they have a need. These are guidelines regarding what to say and how to act:
  • Questions: introduce yourself. Then ask the person if they require assistance. If they do, ask them whether they feel they’re experiencing panic attacks. This question could bring them back from previous panic attacks and the way they came back.
  • Stay or leave: Let the person know that they don’t need to remain in the same place. Removing yourself from a particular circumstance can ease the burden of a person suffering from an anxiety attack. 
  • Positive phrases: Staying positive and non-judgmental is essential. Help the person realize that you’re there to support them. They’re safe and will be able to overcome this. Make them aware that panic attacks are only temporary.
  • Begin a casual conversation: An engaging chat can distract someone from the signs. If you’re a friend, try to bring up an issue they’re keen on to help them find something else to think about.

Suggesting Grounding Techniques:

If someone has lost control of their life and surroundings, techniques for grounding can assist them in returning to their present. These techniques include:

  • Sitting down Sitting in a comfy chair may sound simple; however, it can be very effective. While seated with feet on the ground, the person must concentrate on breathing slowly and feel comfortable sitting in the chair.
  • The technique 5-4-3-2-1: Focusing on other things around the room and using different senses could distract the person from the anxiety attack. It is possible to focus on five things to notice and touch, four objects and feel, three sounds to hear, two different smells, and one flavor.
  • Basic math: The ability to count from 1-10 in order or perform basic maths calculations, like times tables, offers an additional area of focus.
  • The focus: Ask the person which day and time of the week they are, who they are with, and their location.

Helping you with Ongoing Support:

Anxieties. A few people might be embarrassed by having an anxiety attack and find it difficult. Continuous support and involvement will assist in relieving stress. 

Contact them by checking regularly. Learning more information about the issue could be helpful if the problem is repeated.

Things to Not Say During a Panic Attack

Attacks of panic are identified by a mix of emotional, mental, physical signs. The attacks usually begin with a feeling of dread, anxiety, nervousness, or worry. 

The anxiety feelings can intensify when the individual begins to experience physical sensations like:

  • Chest pain
  • Extreme sweating
  • Heart palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Shaking
  • Breathlessness
  • Tingling

1: The physical discomfort is typically accompanied by anxious thoughts and feelings that include fear that the attack might result in one losing control, become insane, suffer medical emergencies, and even perhaps be killed. 

When a panic attack occurs, it’s not unusual to experience through the feeling of depersonalization and disillusionment that make them feel disconnected from themself and the world.

2: Patients who experience panic attacks usually are not in control of the moment when they will experience symptoms.

For those who have panic disorder, the attacks occur at any time and without warning or explanation.

People with specific phobias might experience panic attacks only after being exposed to the specific phobia, but these fearful triggers may not be challenging to stay clear of.

Since attacks can happen anytime and anyplace, some people might attempt to help the victim through anxiety attacks.

It’s incredibly kind of anyone to attempt to help the person with these challenging symptoms. 

However, well-meaning family members or family members and strangers can try to assist, only to make a mistake and hurt those suffering from the illness.

Just Calm Down

If you advise them to calm, the person experiencing an anxiety attack might think that you’re saying that they control their symptoms. 

If one could slow down and stop experiencing panic attacks, it would be a relief.

You might think that you’re helping to reassure the patient by encouraging them that he should calm down. 

Instead of giving verbal instructions, try to encourage the person to relax with some of these techniques to manage panic attacks. The most effective methods include relaxation techniques like:

  • Deep breath
  • Imagery with a guide
  • Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)
  • Visualization

With these strategies, by using such techniques, you’ll be able to guide the individual in a way that makes them feel secure and respected.

You Have No Reason to Be Nervous

The person experiencing the anxiety attack is aware that there’s no need to feel anxious.

If you are experiencing an anxiety attack, the body’s defense-in-flight response triggers, preparing the body and mind for a natural (or perceived) threat.

Even if they’re not really in danger, however, they may not be able to stop the attack from taking its course.

Reminding the person that their anxiety is not justified can boost the person’s feelings of anxiety.

You’re Embarrassing Yourself

It is a highly insensitive statement. Many people are already ashamed of dealing with the stress of panic attacks in the public eye. Therefore there’s no reason to bring this issue to people’s attention.

Instead of further humiliating the person, consider affirming their strengths. Make them aware that you’re there to help them and that there is no reason to feel ashamed. 

They might already feel embarrassed, which is why it’s beneficial to keep a positive attitude.

  • Try phrases like
  • I am here for you
  • You’re doing a great job
  • You will get through this

The use of supportive words can aid in helping someone who is suffering from an anxiety attack feel more secure at an emotional and vulnerable moment.

You’re Overreacting

These two worlds can be highly demotivating for someone who is suffering from an anxiety attack. It’s difficult enough to live with the discomfort of symptoms. But it can be even more difficult is when other people are trying to minimize the experience.

Panic attacks are a genuine kind of symptom and shouldn’t be confused with emotions under the individual’s control. 

The people who suffer from anxiety tend to view these symptoms as frightening, and by telling them that they’re overreacting and overreacting, you could make it more difficult for them to relax.

It is easier to get results if you can make the person feel comfortable. There are a few things you can try to help are:

  • Out in the open to breathe in fresh air
  • Could you help them to sit in a peaceful place?
  • In the comfort of their home, they can feel less distracted and feel safer
  • Take them to a site that is away from other people