
What Is Growth Mindset and How to Develop It?

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What Is Growth Mindset and How to Develop It?

The growth mindset concept was first promoted by Dr. Carol Dweck. She defines the growth mindset as the belief that intelligence, skills, and abiliti

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The growth mindset concept was first promoted by Dr. Carol Dweck. She defines the growth mindset as the belief that intelligence, skills, and abilities are variable and can be developed.

On the contrary, a fixed mindset believes that intelligence, skills, and abilities are fixed and cannot be changed.

We will explore some examples to understand the difference between the two. Imagine that an employee with a fixed mindset is promoted to a management position for the first time.

Although he is a great personal contributor, he is trying to adapt to the additional responsibilities that come with being a manager, which is understandable.

He did not admit that this was part of the transition process, instead, he became discouraged. In order to avoid feeling like a failure.

He refuses to ask for help and avoids any responsibilities that he is not good at by nature. Therefore, you hardly see any improvement in management skills.

Define Growth Mindset?

Your way of thinking is a set of beliefs that shape how you understand the world and yourself. It affects the way you think, feel, and behave in certain situations.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset?

The first step in getting rid of a fixed mindset is to believe that you can get rid of it and it is possible to achieve a growth mindset, so ask your intuition.

What does it say? Are you ready to take some steps towards a more open attitude towards life? Are you ready to fail sometimes and take responsibility for it, accepting that failure is a challenge and an opportunity, rather than bowing your head before it happens?

To help you elevate your mood and gain a growth mindset, I have compiled this comprehensive list of tips. We hope it can serve you well!

A Challenge Is an Opportunity

The first suggestion may be the most difficult to accept. The fear of failure is deeply ingrained and is related to the fear of the unknown.

 The best way to start seeing challenges as opportunities is to try them, analyze your mistakes, and learn to be patient every time you start again, you are one step closer to becoming a master.

Embrace Your Imperfections

If you’re trying to hide from your weaknesses, you’ll never overcome them. Embrace your imperfections, they’re what makes you—you.

There Are so Many Tactics

The typically fixed mindset always uses the same proven strategies to solve problems or learn. Everything has to do with the fear of failure.

What if this new method doesn’t work? The fact that others around you learn or use a method does not mean that the method is right for you.

 This is not a competition between you and the rest of the world: it is a competition between you today and you yesterday. The more types of strategies you can apply, the wider the range of problems you can solve!

Pay More Attention to the Words You’re Using

Do our words reflect our thoughts or the opposite? This is the famous Sapir-Vorf hypothesis. We cannot be sure which answer is correct, but we can assume that there is a correlation.

As the famous German philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein said. If you say you failed every time you fail, you are more likely to build a weak image of yourself.

 On the other hand, if you try to replace the word failure with the word learning and say that you learn something every time you fail.

you are more likely to establish a positive image for yourself. Of course, the next step should be to analyze why it was unsuccessful and try again using a different method.

Do Your Research: Learn More About Brain Plasticity

If the organic structure of your brain can be changed, why not? Brain plasticity means that our brain can change and adapt based on experience.

For example, the brain can change its physical structure through the learning process, or transfer functions from one area to another when it is damaged. The word plasticity does not refer to plasticity, but to the plasticity of the brain.

Now that you know what your brain is capable of, don’t you think it’s time to make your brain “plastic”?

The Process Is More Important Than the End Result

If you want to get rid of the fixed mindset and enter a more efficient and happier growth mindset, this is another important change you need to make. Fixed mindsets usually focus on the bottom line:

  • Will others do better?
  • As we have already said, don’t compete with others.

 Everyone is different, and it is useless to compare with others. In addition, if you don’t like this process, the final product will lose value.

 If studying or working is torture for you, getting a college degree or completing a project won’t make you smile.

More importantly, you like the process: solving puzzles, reinventing solutions, remembering interesting facts or stories, “Aha!” moments.

Stop Seeking Others’ Approval: Enjoy the Learning Process

Focusing on recognition instead of learning is similar to focusing on the final product instead of the process-it will only kill the enjoyment!

 Everyone thinks that your most beautiful, smartest, most talented, or most capable moment of time and space will never happen.

So, give up perfectionism and enjoy your learning process. Every time you fall, you will become bigger and better. Cultivating self-acceptance and recognition can help you become more confident and thus make you trust yourself more.

Be Happy for Other People’s Growth and Celebrate with Them

Treating other people as friends and inspirations can get you farther than seeing them as competitors.

In this way, you will build honest and strong relationships with others and improve your own growth opportunities.

Cultivate a Sense of Purpose

When you are doing something, do you feel that there is something else? Does it seem that everything that happens in your way is for higher reasons?

 Deck’s research shows that students with a growth mindset are more purposeful than students with a fixed mindset.

It’s simple: it feels like there is something bigger than yourself, and more important than small matches with others is the most powerful engine you can have. Keeping a gratitude diary is very helpful in developing a sense of purpose.

The five-minute diary only takes up five minutes of your time and is designed to guide you to greater enthusiasm. Remembering the things, you are grateful for every day can help you turn your mind into a growth mindset.

If you don’t like taking notes, you can always download the five-minute diary app on your phone and set a reminder to fill in your gratitude diary. Please feel free to read our guide to the greatest gratitude diary.

Growth Is More Important than Speed

It takes time to allow yourself to make mistakes. So, It takes time to learn good things. It takes time to do things right. So stay calm and take your time. You are just competing with yourself.

Actions Are What Matters – Not Traits

Doing something smart or doing things in a smart way is much more important than being smart. It’s good to be smart by nature, but that doesn’t mean you will do that.

If you show your ingenuity through riddles, riddles, numbers, or school grades, it looks like you are bragging.

However, if you solve problems with interest and desire to learn, it is irreplaceable. Making mistakes is an opportunity to change your attitude towards things in life.

This can bring you closer to achieving a growth mindset, rather than figuring out how to make the best impression possible.

Talent Isn’t What Makes a Genius – Hard Work Is

We will only quote the famous Einstein quote: Genius is 1% of talent and 99% of work. Yes, sometimes things happen by accident.

 Some people are lucky to have a beautiful sound by nature, while others cannot play a note even if their lives depend on it.

However, the effort is always worth it. The neglected talent will not go far, and hard work is always recognized.

Criticism Can Be Good for You

The typical stubborn person often ignores criticism and sees it as torture to the self. Try to forget about it and treat criticism as a gift.

Every small criticism is a suggestion for improvement. This is exactly the change needed to cultivate a growth mindset.

“Room for Improvement” vs “Failure” Definition

Just as you need to change your vocabulary and include more encouraging words, you also need to stop seeing everything in black and white.

Life is not an all-or-nothing game. There are always many areas for improvement, and nothing can be perfect.

Just because you or others realize that there is room for improvement does not mean that you have failed. on the contrary!

This means that you have to work harder to achieve the goals you want to achieve, which is the foundation of a growth mindset.

Reflect, Reflect, Reflect

Do you know what we say you need to learn from your mistakes and treat them as opportunities for growth? Maybe we make you wonder how to do this.

 For example, you can promise to keep a thought diary. This means taking the time to write down your experience, analyze and analyze it yourself, and see what else can be done better.

How is reflection connected to a growth mindset?

Well, if you don’t reflect on that experience, it’s actually impossible to learn new things or understand where you went wrong.

The reflection diary should be a safe space for you to emphasize all your thoughts, and more importantly, they will stay there so that you can come back and reanalyze them.

Abandon the Idea of Building an Image

Fortunately, we no longer live in the era of phrenology. Intelligence and success are innate and acquired results.

Some psychologists, such as Berkus Skinner, believe that the only important thing is raising children. He even said: Give me more than a dozen healthy and good babies and my own specific world.

 I promise I will take any one at random and train them into any type of expert I can choose: doctors, lawyers, artists, Merchant chiefs, yes, even beggars and thieves, regardless of their talents, inclinations, inclinations, abilities, occupations, and races of ancestors.

This may be an extreme point, but it proves one point. There is no such thing as “talent”. Without hard work, this talent may never be discovered.

Other People’s Mistakes are a Valuable Learning Resource

Try to expand “learning from mistakes” to “learning from others’ mistakes.” No matter which way you go, someone must already be there.

Our experience may seem unique, but it is not. Yes, each case has specific things, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be related to other people’s similar experiences.

This does not mean comparing yourself to them, just seeing that other people have weaknesses similar to yours. Here are 10 famous and inspiring failure stories you can connect with.

Take Risks even if Others Are Watching

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Just relax. Be stupid. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes in front of others.

For example, do you know how many people are eager to do something as simple as eating in front of other people?

We don’t know the exact number, but honestly: a lot. Maybe you are one of them, or at least you know someone who feels this way. The reason for this anxiety is simple: fear of looking stupid or stupid in front of others.

What if we spill it all over or get dirty? if? any! You can always laugh at yourself and make a joke. no big deal.

Get Realistic About Your Goals

To achieve a growth mindset, you also need to be good at planning and organizing. This means adopting time management skills and adjusting the reality checker.

Realistic goals are specific, measurable, achievable, and time-bound. The best way to get in touch with the organizational self is to sit down with a pen and paper, write down your goals, analyze them, define how you will achieve them, and give yourself a realistic time limit, but this is not enough.

You should stick to this plan and track your progress. To do this in the easiest and most creative way, we recommend The Productivity Planner.

Productivity Planner is a highly structured daily planner based on Focus Time technology. It allows you to focus on the most meaningful tasks of the day and complete them on time.

Own Your Attitude

Once you have fully instilled change and successfully achieved a growth mindset, switch it! Get to know your new role and let yourself be mentored in relationships and careers.

Final Words

How do you feel after reading this article? is that useful? What advice impressed you the most? We believe that you now understand the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, and how to make this change.

 Don’t forget that making such a radical change in your psychology is a process that cannot be accomplished overnight.

Therefore, even if you notice some remnants of previous strategies and behaviors, don’t judge yourself. Analyze, reflect and accept your imperfections and failures.

We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes who are born different from us. We don’t like to think of them as relatively ordinary people who have become extraordinary.

 It all starts with you and how much you are willing to give: work, fail, start over, plan, experiment, and celebrate success.